[[You]] [[in]] [[metal]] [[box]].
(track: 'background', 'loop', true)
(track: 'background', 'playwhenpossible')
}//~~You~~ in metal box.//
[[You->You again]][[,->you air]] [[air->you,]].//You ~~in~~ metal box.//
<u>''Box ending''</u>
''//Box in box. You are box.//''//~~You~~ in metal box.//
//~~You~~, air.//
<u>''Disappear Ending''</u>
''//Inside box is nothing, you is elsewhere//''//~~You~~ in metal box.//
//You~~,~~ air.//
<u>''Poof Ending''</u>
''//Box has air. You are air.//''//~~You~~ in metal box.//
//You, ~~air~~.//
<u>''Breathless Ending''</u>
''//You gasp, no response.//''//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
[[You->can destroy box]] [[can->you destroy box]] [[destroy->you can box]] [[box->you can destroy]]. //You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//~~You~~ can destroy box.//
<u>''Soup Ending''</u>
''//Giant can of soup crushes box. 1 killed, scientists baffled.//''//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//You ~~can~~ destroy box.//
<u>''Escape Ending''</u>
''//Box is no more.//''
//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//You can ~~destroy~~ box.//
[[Mouth->noise everywhere]] [[noise->mouth everywhere]] [[everywhere->mouth noise]].
//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//You can destroy ~~box~~.//
[[You->can remove everything]] [[can->you remove everything]] [[remove->you can everything]] [[everything->you can remove]].//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//You can ~~destroy~~ box.//
//~~Mouth~~ noise everywhere.//
<u>''Noisy Ending''</u>
''//Box break. Ears break.//''//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//You can ~~destroy~~ box.//
//Mouth ~~noise~~ everywhere.//
<u>''Vore Ending''</u>
''//You are consumed.//''//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//You can ~~destroy~~ box.//
//Mouth noise ~~everywhere.~~//
<u>''Rescue Ending''</u>
''//Man hears man. Man helps man. Beatboxing saves lives.//''
//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//You can destroy ~~box~~.//
//~~You~~ can remove everything//
<u>''Cancelled Ending''</u>
''//The everything is gone. All hail the holy can.//''//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//You can destroy ~~box~~.//
//You ~~can~~ remove everything//
<u>''No Ending''</u>
''//.//''//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//You can destroy ~~box~~.//
//You can ~~remove~~ everything//
<u>''Campbell Ending''</u>
''//Universe is moved. Universe is now soup//''//You in ~~metal~~ box.//
//You can destroy ~~box~~.//
//You can remove ~~everything~~//
<u>''Delete ending''</u>
''//Box is no more. Box is remove.//''//You in metal ~~box~~.//
[[No->more oxygen]] [[more->no oxygen]] [[oxygen->no more]].//You in metal ~~box~~.//
//~~No~~ more oxygen.//
[[You->metal man]] [[metal->you man]] [[man->you metal]].//You in metal ~~box~~.//
//No ~~more~~ oxygen.//
<u>''Breathless Ending''</u>
''//It is dark now.//''//You in metal ~~box~~.//
//No more ~~oxygen~~.//
<u>''Game over ending''</u>
''//Game is over. Game is no more.//''//You in metal ~~box~~.//
//~~No~~ more oxygen.//
//~~You~~ metal man//
<u>''Robot ending''</u>
''//You live as metal man now. You are free from container.//''//You in metal ~~box~~.//
//~~No~~ more oxygen.//
//You ~~metal~~ man//
[[Man->smart animal]] [[smart->man animal]] [[animal->man smart]].//You in metal ~~box~~.//
//~~No~~ more oxygen.//
//You metal ~~man~~//
<u>''Metal Ending''</u>
''//Abiotic robot.//''
//You in metal ~~box~~.//
//~~No~~ more oxygen.//
//You ~~metal~~ man//
//~~Man~~ smart animal//
<u>''Evolution Ending''</u>
''//Smart gorilla breaks free from cage. Cognizant gorilla seeks meaning in life//''//You in metal ~~box~~.//
//~~No~~ more oxygen.//
//You ~~metal~~ man//
//Man ~~smart~~ animal//
<u>''Zoo ending''</u>
''//Trapped gorilla. Sad gorilla.//''//You in metal ~~box~~.//
//~~No~~ more oxygen.//
//You ~~metal~~ man//
//Man smart ~~animal~~//
<u>''Technology ending''</u>
''//Man somehow breaks free of metal box using technology. Metal box however, has enslaved mankind using technology.//''background: https://crowseeds.com/box/background.mp3